Support Laurie Ferguson, MP for a Seat

The New South Wales federal seat of Reid has had its original boundaries changed with traditional areas of Granville, Guildford and Merrylands being moved to other seats. The new seat of Reid will contain suburbs of Auburn, Lidcombe and Newington and move east towards Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield Council areas after the abolition of the Federal seat of Lowe.
The Hon. Laurie Ferguson MP has been the member for Reid since 1990. Throughout these years he has tirelessly served people of many and various backgrounds, both within the boundaries of his constituency and far beyond. His commitment to representing the interests of the people has always gone beyond simply securing votes.
We are launching a campaign to gather signatures in support of Laurie Ferguson’s pre-selection for a Seat, which we will submit to the Prime Minister.
The people, who uphold social justice and democracy, have everything to gain from returning Laurie Ferguson to office as an MP.
Please read the petition below and add your signature to help us gather the support this campaign deserves.
The Hon. Kevin Rudd
Prime Minister
Parliament House
Suite MG 8
Canberra ACT 2600
Fax: (02) 6273 4100
01 November 2009
Dear Prime Minister,
We would like to bring to your attention the great admiration and support that so many of us within the Australian community have for the Hon Laurie Ferguson MP because of his long time outstanding engagement serving Australia and its people.
Mr. Ferguson’s service to the community reaches far beyond his electoral boundary, embracing all communities regardless of whether they are traditional Anglo-Australian communities, Aboriginal communities, larger well established migrant communities (including Chinese, Vietnamese, Lao community, Lebanese, Turkish, Koreans, Indians, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Burmese, Nepalese, Filipino community, Punjabi community and many others), or smaller emerging communities (including CHT Jummas of Bangladesh, Adivasi/ indigenous Nepalese, Bhutanese, Afghanis, Karen Burmese, Sudanese and many other communities) throughout the country.
Mr Ferguson has a reputation as a dedicated politician, whose tireless activism for human rights and justice has helped multicultural Australia. He is a great asset to the country and to the Labor Party.
As Mr Ferguson’s current seat is in the process of being redrawn, we would request that you, as the Leader of the nation and as the Leader of the Labor Party, help ensure Mr. Ferguson is able to secure a much deserved electoral seat.
We believe that not just his electorate, but the Australian community generally would benefit from Mr. Ferguson’s presence in the next parliament, where he could continue serving us, the Australian people, with the same fairness and passion he has shown for so many years.
Yours sincerely,
CHT Indigenous Jumma Association Australia (CHTIJAA)
CHT Jumma Peoples Network of the Asia Pacific
Nepalese Indigenous Nationalities Forum, Australia – NINFA
Please Click here to sign the Petition and join us support Hon. Laurie Ferguson MP’s pre-selection for a Seat in the next Federal Election.
Please Click here to Print a copy of the Petition (PDF) or here for (doc) if you support the campaign and think could help us collect signatures manually from bystanders, friends and families.
Link requested by Prabir Maitra | original source |