Protest and Peaceful blockade at Oldest Coal mine in Australia to reduce carbon emission and save the World

Sunday, October 11, Helensburgh NSW – More than 1000 people have marched to the front gates of the Metropolitan Collieries where 50 Climate Camp protesters are occupying the entrance road to the mine. They are protesting the mine’s expansion and voicing concerns over water, climate and jobs in NSW. 13 people were arrested on Sunday in total. Eight at the blockade were given $350 fines for trespass and will not face court. Five people were arrested earlier in the day at an action stopping work at dendrobium mine and charged with trespass.
The Climate Camps are an effective and global form of action to raise awareness about climate change. The expansion of the Helensburgh coal mine is unjustified and irresponsible and we support and congratulate all participants of the Rally. We support the Climate Camp and hope their actions will bring down Carbon emission around the world and save the world from Global warming said Kamrul Ahsan Khan , coordinator of Bangladesh Environmental Net Work and member of Climate Justice group in Canberra & CAC. He congratulates participants on behalf of the millions of people of the world and Bangladesh who is facing direct threat of Climate change due to Carbon Emission. Good number of Environmental activist joins Climate Rally Sunday 12 of October in Helensburgh.
“My family came to Helensburgh 100 years ago, there are four generations of coal miners in my family buried in the local cemetery. My grandfathers went to war to fight for what they believe in; I continue that legacy and believe that we need to stop mining coal and fight to stop climate change. That’s why I’m here,” says Matt from Stanwell Tops.
“Climate Camp represents the vitality, creativity and dedication of everyday people who are demanding that a safe, healthy and hopeful future for our communities is put ahead of profits for big polluters. Australia fully supports Climate Campers’ efforts”.-Blair Palese, CEO, Australia.
NSW Climate Camp ’09 was an inspiring success! Despite driving rain and gale force winds, up to 300 people camped out in Helensburgh from October 9-11. Participants took part in workshops, performances and ongoing organising sessions.
The camp culminated in a mass, peaceful, direct action at the entrance to the Metropolitan colliery, Australia’s oldest operating underground coal mine. More than 600 people took part in the action while hundreds of local residents looked on.
The message of Climate Camp came through loud and clear: We want green jobs now so coal can be phased out in a socially just manner. Dangerous longwall mining shouldn’t be allowed under our precious water catchments. Urgent action is needed to fight climate change.
Kamrul Ahsan Khan
0401683930 (Mobile)