Birth anniversary of Bangabandhu and National Children day 2009 (17 March 2009)

Birth anniversary of Bangabandhu and National Children day 2009 (17 March 2009)

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra : No. Cul-1/2/09 03 March 2009

Dear All,

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra has organised the following programme for observance of the 89th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children Day-2009 on 17 March 2009 at the Chancery premises.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009; 1830to 1930 hrs

Discussion on the life of Bangabandhu (by adults and children) and song/recitation by children.

You are cordially invited to attend the programme. Children are particularly encouraged to participate in the programme. Interested children or their parents/guardians may contact the undersigned by 16 March 2009.

(Md. Nazrul Islam )
Counsellor & HOC
Tel. 02 6290 051, Fax. 02 6290 0544

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