Tahsin Quddus participates in Parliamentary Debate from Lanyon High

On Friday, the 19th of September 2008, Tahsin Quddus attended the Parliamentary Debate for years 8 and 9 students in ACT in the ACT Legislative Assembly. Tahsin is a student of Lanyon High School in grade 8. She is a proud Canberra born Australian Bangladeshi living in the Capital city since birth.
This was a great opportunity for Tahsin to represent her school in the Legislative Assembly. She was one of the four participants from her school. They needed to respond to the question why “We should have a set of curriculum across Australia “. After their response to the question, the floor was open to others in the assembly to ask more questions on the subject. This was a “Questions without notice’ time”. During this time, any of the other participating schools could ask any question on the topic and the team needed to respond to them on the spot. Tahsin and her team members answered to the questions wisely. At the end of the question and answer time, the speaker Mr Wayne Barry took a vote of yes or no. After the completion of the vote, the speaker Mr Wayne Barry decided that Lanyon High School won the debate and that we should have a set of curriculum across Australia. Tahsin’s team consisted of four students from Lanyon High School and they were Emily, Sarah, Tahsin and Ashley.