BEN Essay competition result

Essay competition was organised by BEN Sydney branch to mark the celebration of BEN of Ten years. The topic of essay was for Primary school level: Our Environment, Secondary school level: How to Protect the Environment of Bangladesh. Student from interstate participate in this competition with
enthusiasm. BEN will organise this type event to aware our younger generation in the future. Winners were given certificate after public forum of the seminar. Tahsin Quddus of Canberra win the first prize in High School Category and Onkon Dhruba Paul of Sydney from primary school Category.
As for the essay competition, the Coordinator and the judges were:
Dr Mamta Chowdhury (Senior Lecturer) University of Western Sydney
Dr M A Razzaque (Senior Lecturer) University of New South Wales.
Dr Zakia Hossain (Lecturer) University of Sydney
Dr Tahmina Rezwan CRS Australia
The Winners are:
Primary School Category:
Onkon Dhruba Paul
Krishtie Mofazzal
High School Category:
Tahsin Quddus
Shurovi Paul
Sarah Choudhury