Appeals for your donations urgently for the cyclone victims in the costal areas of Bangladesh. You can deposit/transfer your donations directly into the Bank Account.

Appeals for your donations urgently for the cyclone victims in the costal areas of Bangladesh. You can deposit/transfer your donations directly into the Bank Account.

Bangladesh Australia Disaster Relief Committee (CFN 16441)

Appeals for your donations urgently for the cyclone victims in the costal areas of Bangladesh. You can deposit/transfer your donations directly into the Bank Account.

Account Name: Bangladesh Australia Disaster Relief Committee Sydney
Account (Passbook): BSB:762-028 Number: 5009269
Bank: Commonwealth Bank, Town Hall, Sydney

More than 2000 deaths already counted and rising by minutes
Winds over 220km an hour hit the coastal area (Khulna-Barisal mainly) at 7:30pm Thursday, cutting off all communications and services across the country. High speed Winds, driving rains and tidal waves (about 5mtrs high) wreaked havoc for over 14 hours. Despite a commendable evacuation effort, the government last night found itself reeling from shock as the number of deaths and extent of damages of homes, crops, etc caused by the cyclone becomes known. Millions have no homes to go back to. The death tolls are unprecedented given that the authorities evacuated people into the newly built cyclone shelters well before the killer cyclone came. According to the latest update by the government more than 2000 people, mostly villagers were killed in Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Bagerhat, Barisal, Barguna, Jhlakathi, Gopalganj, Bhola, Shariatpur, Khulna, Faridpur, Chandpur, Dhaka, Sathkhira, Laxmipur, Chittagong, and Jessore.

If you have any questions or suggestions please write to the BADRC email address: or contact any members of BADRC.

Posted by Afsar Ahmed, General Secretary, BADRC, Sydney.

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