The Case For Calculations: Attempting to Curtail The Crescent Controversies

A very long lecture to justify using Calculations in Islam by Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi . It seems even calculating the daily prayers times were initially not acceptable and why at times the minority overpowers the majority and it this is acceptable in Islam for unity sake. The Koran states that the sun and the moon are in perfect harmony and these are down to a science. Our units of time are determined by the movements of the sun and the moon and celestial bodies in the space time continuum.
To move forward in Islam I strongly believe that calculation is the way to go with physical sighting as a default specially in regards to declaring national holidays for Eid there is no other way but the scientific way.
With little chance of sighting the moon in Canberra on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th the declaration of Eid-ul-Fitr for Wednesday is imminent as most would complete 30 days of Ramadan unless you started a day later. In fact the Australian National Imam’s council has already announced Eid for Wednesday, IA.

Muhith Masih (বাবু)
IT Technology Specialist with over 30 years of experience in Australian Government Agencies in Infrastructure, DBA, Application and End User Support. Interests in End User and Midrange Computing, Test Automation, AI, Cloud, Edge, IOT, OTT and Cyber Security.
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