Is this an explosive prism view of the future of human civilisation?

Is this an explosive prism view of the future of human civilisation?

By nature human are tribal. It’s an evolutionary trait with the similar “fight and flight” coding. Civilisation development has changed the human behaviour to a great extent over thousands of years but has not been able to change the hardwired brains.

Probably the infighting of Arabs and the same barbaric method used by the KSA to kill Khassoghi and starve the Yemenis and the IS method in Iraq/Syria are modern day insight into the raw DNA that we all possess – agression and domination from micro to macro levels. There are other examples like the very recent Christchurch terror attack etc. Sometimes it only gets sophisticated with a dose of amenesia applied, that’s all. Like with the use of Weapons of Mass Deception that the mighty global powers often use.

Even if intensive global cross-breeding, so called globalisation and migration were to theoretically convert the world into one nation with a single race with the same monotone of the skin colour, same language and religion, it would not change. Tribal human would still find excuses to fight the battle for power, food and water, territory and sexual advantages. The one thing that could have a great effect is the phenomenal advancement in artificial intelligence expected to occur as early as this century. Food will be GM or synthetic so there might be a solution to food requirement. Crude version of intelligent virtual sex dolls are already in the market and there may be a less need for live partners. The robots will surely dominate the killing fields whereby those who have the power and the means will be able to reengineer society as they wish without having to count losses. One thing is almost certain the driver for human civilisation that shaped it over many millennia will be less and less effective. I may sound pessimistic and I hope I am proved wrong.

Nazre Sobhan 17 March 2019 Canberra

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