Congratulations to All Americans -Farid Ahmed

Congratulations to all Americans for understanding the need of this century and respecting global demand for peace. Congratulations that they have elect Barack Obama as the forty forth President of the United States of America. Congratulations go to Barack Obama, all peace loving world leaders and people of the globe for their continuous and painful efforts to bring changes in the human history. This is a message for all of us that what ever may be the color, race, sex, class, religion but we are all human beings and should be respected equally unless some one proven guilty. It is a victory against all forms of extremism.
People wanted change and restoration of Human Dignity what they have lost when election rigging took place in the USA in 2000. The election of 2008 is no doubt a strong message to all of us who love pace and continuity of human civilization on the planet that no one should undermine any religious group and should not act against humanity.
The damage and loss of trust caused by the Bush administration and his two other close associates Tony Blair and John Howard are now on the way to repair in full swing. Since 1945 people from South, East and North trusted Americans and the West. However, this has been totally damaged by the Republicans thrust for world power. We the Muslims and Blacks of the world lived under threat for the last 8 years. The Americans realized that if they do not trust others then no one going to trust them.
Bangladesh should take a lesson from this victory. We have to do many things for the people who are minor in our community. We must respect their beliefs and cultures and should not undermine their dignity. We the majority should not act in the way the BNP-JAMAT acted in October 2001. Their action in reply to 9/11 has caused enormous sufferings for us. The voters of Bangladesh should act in the same way as the Americans did. This was the spirit of the Independence Movement of Bangladesh in 1971 and election of 1970.
The Indians have voted congress and rejected BJP. ISLAM (I Shall Love ALL Mankind) does not believe in extremism. So, the Al-Quran says, “La Kum Dino Kum WaliDin” means your religion is yours and my religion is mine. Therefore, in politics the Americans accepted the view that Religious Freedom should be on of the goals of political actions of the state. The Indians adopted secularism for this reason al though it is dominated by Hindus. All the affirmation, acceptance, declarations of the United Nations are to promote Human Dignity. Even, the deep ecologists also requested for caring nature for the promotion of Human Dignity.
Farid Ahmed: PhD Researcher on Justice and Good Governance, Melbourne University, Australia.