Celebration of the Victory Day 2015 at Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra

Celebration of the Victory Day 2015 at Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra

High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
57 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley ACT 2606, Canberra, Australia.
Tel-61-2-6290-0511/0522/0533 Fax-61-2-6290-0544
Email: hoc@bhcanberra.com Web: www.bhcanberra. com
Press Release  (16 December 2015)

Celebration of the Victory Day 2015 at Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra

The Victory Day was celebrated on 16 December 2015, Wednesday at Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra in a befitting manner. As part of the Victory Day programme, Bangladesh national flag was ceremonially hoisted by Charge the Affairs (CDA) Ms Wahida Ahmed in presence of all the officials of the Mission at 9.00 a.m. Recitation from the Holy Quran and Doa was organized for the peace and salvation of the departed souls of the valiant freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the country.

Messages of the Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister and Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs was read out. A discussion session was held at the conference room of the High Commission. In the discussion, members of the Expatriate Bangladesh community living in Canberra participated where they paid tribute and homage to the heroic freedom fighters and millions of martyrs, who shed their lives for making Bangladesh a free nation under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

In her welcome remarks, Ms Wahida Ahmed, CDA a.i. of the Bangladesh High Commission to Australia, paid tribute to the freedom fighters and millions of martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for making Bangladesh independent under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. She also mentioned that Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is pledge-bound to safeguard the interests of the democracy-loving people of Bangladesh as dreamt by Bangabandhu and also to lead the country to a middle income country by 2021 and to a developed country by 2041. The program was concluded by giving thanks to all participants.


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  1. Bangladesh
    Bangladesh 22 December, 2015, 10:26

    Nice photo and it is great day for Bangladesh

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