Quarantiny – Chapter 4 – Day 1

Chapter 4 – Day 1 – Friday 17 April 2020 “The best part about tough time,it is not static, it moves on!” It is already 17 April 2020. I am still on the same plane. It seems like a never

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Canberra Eid-ul-Fitr Sunday 24th May 2020

Zakaat al-Fitr Onlinehttps://my.humanappeal.org.au/donate?campaign=Ramadan&appeal=Most%20needy&fund=Zakat%20Al-Fitr Eid Doa’s @ 10am AEAST for 10 minutes via Zoom (Meeting ID 71624070352, Password ciceid, may need Zoom App install)https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71624070352?pwd=MVoyL0xYUnVWVngzOUYxQ1F4bXFiUT0 ————————————————————————- 2020 Canberra Eid-ul-Fitr has been announced by the Imams Council of the ACT for Sunday 24th

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