An Article on Salamun Alaikum

সালামুন আলাইকুম (Salamun Alaikum) سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ নিঃসন্দেহে যারা বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করে ও সৎকর্ম করে, তাদের প্রভু তাদের পথ দেখিয়ে নেবেন তাদের বিশ্বাসের দ্বারা,- তাদের নিচে বয়ে চলবে ঝরনারাজি আনন্দময় বাগানে। সেখানে তাদের আহ্বান হবে-“তোমারই মহিমা হোক,

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JU Families and Friends get together 29 November 2014

Dear JU family members, We are delighted to share with you that we are organising a get together party to our honorable Kamrul Chowdhury bhai’s farm house on 29th November. Please keep this day free to participate the get together

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Bangladesh Australia Disaster Relief Committee BADRC AGM Notice

Date: 30/11/2014 Time: 11 AM to 12-30 PM Place: 65 Spurway St. Ermington (Bangladesh Association’s Office) Agenda: 1 Election or selection of the members of the management committee (Convenor, Joint Convenor, General Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Secretary and at least

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Professional Cricket Coach for Juniors/Senior Players

Dear Community Member, I would appreciate, if you kindly refer into any interested parents/players who are looking for a professional cricket coach, for One2One cricket coaching. Cricket Australia, Local clubs recognise me – One of the best qualified coaches in

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