BSPC Annual General Meeting 2012

BSPC Annual General Meeting 2012, Sunday 5 August 2012 Granville Town Hall, 10 Carlton Street, Granville All BSPC Members are requested to attend. For any enquiry, please contact-Mr Nirmalya Talukder  0401 227 529Mr Nirmal Chowdhury  0404 040 163

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Gungahlin Mosque Fundraising Ramadan Iftar

Dear Brother/Sister in Islam Bismillaah Walhamdulillaah Wassalaatu Wassalaamu A’ ála Rasoolillaah Assalaamu Alaikum WaRahmatullaahi WaBarkaatuh The Canberra Muslim Community (CMC) Inc Executive Committee takes this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and blessed Ramadan and has the

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