Save Murad by becoming a Bone Marrow Donor

Save Murad by becoming a Bone Marrow Donor

Dear friends and family,

While I am writing this email, I know many of us including myself are fortunate to posses good health. We are healthier enough by the grace of Almighty to take our kids to the park/ holiday, have quality time with family, and celebrate coming Eid this Friday. Unfortunately, our friend Murad (35 yr old), his wife , son Zuhayer (10yr old) and daughter Zahra (5 yr old) may not able to enjoy what they used to. He is fighting with Leukomia (AML), unfortunately he diagnosed on June this year with AML. After 3 months of chemotherapy doctor verbally informed him that his condition is much better and no bad cells were produced from his white blood cells, basically they thought he was cured and he was planning to live normal life again. But he was not and unfortunately relapsed. So to be fully cured, his option is bone marrow transplant (and obviously with God mercy), so far, no match has been found. Even his only sibling’s bone marrow did not match with him.

Please read attached file to know details about Bone Marrow transplant or visit

We would like you to consider yourself (if you are 18-45 and in good health) to register with Red Cross ( and check if you could be the luckiest person to save someone’s life. After you donate the sample you can get a report from them that you can send to Murad by email or fax (email me I will inform his email address) so that he can check with his report and if match then he will inform hospital. If you don’t get report that is not big issue, Australian central Red cross / Australian Bone Marrow Donor register/database will automatically inform hospital if they found any match with him.

We are also contacting with Red Cross to check if we can organize an event to gather people and provide sample to Red Cross for Bone Marrow donor. If you have any idea or suggestion how can we arrange a bone marrow donation program at Sydney ( Considering largest Bangladeshi community lives here) that will be fantastic.

But to arrange an event like this, it will take few weeks and we will keep you updated regarding this event for your participation. In the meantime, we would encourage you to contact any Red Cross branch at Australia and try to provide sample. They will do the rest.
How to join ? (

Q.Can anything go wrong? ( ?

In the mean time please spread this news to your friends and families in Australia and USA so some of them can be a Bone Marrow donor.

I have copied the email from Murad’s sister. They are trying to find a match in USA too, by arranging “Be the match” concert.

On Oct 7, 2012, at 7:54 AM, Shompa Shohiny <>wrote:

Assalamualaikum Tutul Bhai & Dalia,

Will you please send this email (below) to your friends?

Alhamuduliillah we have managed to organize a Donor Drive w/ ShomaApa and Zubair’s sincere dedication.

There’s going to be a “Donor Drive” in Miles Live in Concert on October 14th [5pm-8pm] @ Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater, 1700 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose, CA 95116.

The “Be The Match” booth will be outside the main galary for the concert but inside the Plaza Theater. It’s a three step process: they will collect your cheek swab, you will need to fill in a form and they will give you a “Donor Card”.

We are in need of donors between age 18-45.

Please contact Mitu for event info for 14th Oct. email: “Raisa Sultana” <>,

Home# 510-449-2844

Cell# 510-661-9323

May Allah bless us all.




Hi Friends & community,

My Brother Murad, my only sibling, a 35yr old “jolly good fellow” has been diagnosed with leukemia (AML) in June. He is the dear dad –“Abbugini” of 10yr old Zuhayer and 5 yr old Zahra. He loves to bike, swim and engage in outdoor activities. He loved his job as a Network Architect in Telstra,Sydey- Australia.

He is flighting the battle with utmost courage. After treatments for the last several months, he does not have any leukemic cell in his body. However, unless his bone marrow is treated, the disease may come back quickly. Even if millions are registered in bone marrow registry, you may be be the only one with the match and you may be the only lucky person to save a life. No match has been found in Australia as not many people of our ethnicity are registered donor.

Please consider your tissue type checked through a simple cheek swab test at the “Be The Match” booth from NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) at the concert event of Bangladeshi Band MILES in San Jose on Oct 14. NMDP has agreed to support us because of likelihood of a match in the same ethnicity and there is not enough of us registered.

The “Be The Match” booth will be outside the main galary for the concert but inside the Plaza Theater. It’s a three step process: they will collect your cheek swab, you will need to fill in a form and they will give you a “Donor Card”.

Some facts about the donor/donation process:

  • Age of donor: 18-60 (doctors usually prefer 18-45)
  • Method of donation: PBSC or Peripheral blood collection is the prevailing method (similar to blood donation) OR donate marrow using needle (old method). Donor can choose the donation process.
  • Donor will not have to travel to Australia: USA will collect @ the hospital of the donor and will send to Australia
  • FAQ-this is national bone marrow donor program’s URL:
  • there’s going to be a “Donor Drive” in Miles Live in Concert on October 14th [5pm-8pm] @ Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater, 1700 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose, CA 95116.
  • To find a “Donor Drive” event near your zipcode you can log on to then select “Join the registry” and select “Join In person” and plug in your “zipcode” in “Where to Join” it will give you the schedule of all the upcoming events. You will find the Donor drive @ “Miles Live in Concert” under October 14th.
  • BMDW (bone Marrow Donor Worldwide) will have the database from different countries around the world and Australian Bone Marrrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) will search the match thru BMDW.
  • Donors tissue type is available after 6-8weeks in the system after a “Donor” register him/herself in NMDP(

· Upcoming Donor registry drives within 25 miles of 95051:






Santa Clara , CA

2.51 Miles



San Jose , CA

4.85 Miles



San Jose , CA

4.85 Miles



San Jose , CA

4.95 Miles



San Jose , CA

7.31 Miles


Heartfelt thanks from Murad‘s family.

May Allah keep you all safe & sound


-Shompa & Chamon

Allah Hafez


2012/pdf/N577_ABMDR_Patient_Brochure_LR_391209109.pdf ( B)  2012/pdf/What_happens_in_BMT_435708447.pdf ( B) 

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