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In between moments

In between moments

Hope exists in the little moments.

Moments unseen but talked about.

In the laughter of a child

in the joy of a mother.

Hope exists only in hopeless moments

in earth shattering tears and

after mind numbing pain.

In the sweat of a man after a day of labour.

In the hungry of a mother who

sacrificed her food for her child.

They existed in the dream Martin Luther King had

I have a dream I was heard him say

as one grows up it turns into I had a dream.

In the soldiers around the world that constantly sacrifice

their lives, shed their blood for a safer tommorrow.

Hope exists for the woman who gives up her life so her

loved ones can live.

In the quiet moments of a granfathers smile at his grandchildren.

In the presents he gives them,

in the joy they bring him.

Hope exists

for a broken heart

never fully healing

but some how its still beating.

Hope exists in those in between moments

between earth shattering and heartbreaking

but never dissapointing.

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