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An Interview with Dr Mohammed Khan Mintoo about Depression

An Interview with Dr Mohammed Khan Mintoo about Depression

The insidious nature of Depression and consequent disruptions in a sufferer’s functioning in all spheres of life needs an early detection and appropriate clinical and social management. The illness called “Depression” is a disorder of Mood, the opposite is known as Hypomania or Mania; and a person with an untreated depressive illness (weeks to months) will start to suffer ever complex personal, professional, financial and physical difficulties due to their ever declining physical and cognitive abilities.

In this video discussion we tried to talk about the need for early interventions, socio-cultural issues in mental health matters and depending on the severity of the illness, the need for Hospital care to tide over the initial phase of recovery in a safe and supervised environment. In this regard it is imperative that we recognise the need for a period of hospitalization just as we simply accept a period of hospital stay after a bout of the appendicitis or a major cardiac episode.

Australians of the sub-continental extraction have a remarkable family and social support network in contrast to western individualistic lifestyles and often is a big help for individuals going through depression and subsequent treatment and rehabilitation but sometimes the root cause of all the disruptions and crises, Depression, is neglected to be taken into serious consideration and professional psychiatric help sought.

We are all aware that every 5 persons out of a 100 we know will suffer an episode of a major psychiatric illness during their lifetimes and many will have a depressive episode needing us to be vigilant in detecting early signs of Depression in ourselves and the people around us and seeking appropriate clinical and social support. It is heartening to be aware that Depression as an illness is quite well treated these days with Psychological, Pharmacological and Social means or in a combination and the modern Antidepressant medications are very well tolerated and a long way from the horrors of side effect producing older preparations.

Dr Shampa Barua

Dr Mohammed Khan Mintoo

Research :
Dr Ruhul Amin Sarker
Dr Shampa Barua
Dr Mohammed Khan Mintoo
Dr Robin Guda
Shahadat Manik

Rafiqa Manik Mona
Shaheer Manik Rohan

Sound Monitor:
Dr Robin Guda

Video Edit:
Shahadat Manik

Interview date:
19 October 2014

Shahadat Manik


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Priyo VisionPriyoVision

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