Special Issue: Towards a Safer and Greener Habitat

Special Issue: Towards a Safer and Greener Habitat

The environment around us is changing much faster than before with the exponential growth in population, habitation and industrialisation. Particularly, the pace of technological change combined with its widespread adoption had significantly changed our lifestyle, from a nature friendly to a mechanised one – starting from the way we do business, socialise or even spend holidays. This technology-dependant lifestyle has both positively and negatively impacted our environment. We hardly have a respite to realise or reflect upon what we‘re gaining vs. what we’re losing, being completely succumbed into the busy life cycle of the 21st century.

A Special Issue on the World Environment Day – an initiative by Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) Australia

BANGLADESH ENVIRONMENT NETWORK (BEN) | A global network to help Bangladesh protect her environment

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