Computer Literacy Program

Computer Literacy Program
The overall goal of the Computer Literacy Program (CLP) is to promote the knowledge and usage of computers and information technology among the underprivileged youths in Bangladesh . As of March 2011, 131 CLCs and 48 Associate CLCs has been established in 51 districts, 322 + teachers were trained, and above 40, 000 learners successfully completed a hands-on 40 hours course.
VAB-New Jersey
The Volunteers Association for Bangladesh -New Jersey (VAB-NJ) is a pioneer in spreading computer literacy among the underprivileged youths in rural Bangladesh. VAB-NJ initiated the Computer Literacy Program (CLP) in 2004, and in partnership with D. Net started establishing Computer and IT Literacy Centers (CLCs) in academic and social institutions in Bangladesh.
What is a Computer Literacy Center?
A computer lab with:
4 Laptop Computers
1 printer
Internet modem with 1-yr prepaid fee
2.Structured Course
3.Trained Teachers
4.Plaque to Honor the Sponsor
5.Supervision and Maintenance
Prepaid First Year Maintenance
$300 for each subsequent year
How does a CLC operate?
Operations & Services Summary
1.Batch-wise training
Hands on 40 hours training
Eight students per batch; 2 students per computer
Free to students
2.Comprehensive curriculum
Student manual (Word, Excel, Paint, and Internet)
Teacher manual
3.Teacher’s honorarium
Teacher paid Taka 1000 for each batch trained
One Student Assistant receives Taka 200 for each batch trained
What is a Smart Class Room?
An SCR is equipped with:
•One Laptop
•One 32 inch LCD monitor
•Solar power system for both laptop and monitor
•Knowledge based instructional CDs for English, Science, Geometry, and Geography lessons
•Six trained teachers to teach
Achievements since 2004
•Established 225 Computer Literacy Centers plus 98 Associate centers
– CLC in more than 1% of BD high schools
– CLC in 56 out of 64 districts
•rained over 65,000 students in computer basics (graduates), ~ 50% girls
• Established 120 Smart Class Rooms
• Trained 988 teachers (508 CLP + 480 SCR)
Please attached document for details
News requested by Chowdhury Md. SADARUDDIN