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Gala Night organised by Aussie North South University Association

Gala Night organised by  Aussie North South University Association


NSU, a name that bonds/holds a great community. Let’s meet to our root. Let’s have some quality time together. Please accept the invitation to first ever most cheerful Gala Night, a initiative of Aussie North South University Association. Remember, the Journey has just begun. Let’s be the proud part of this great community to make some changes. Let’s have your hand to make the world a better place.

DATE: 19 MARCH 2011
TIME: 05:00PM TO 09:00PM
VENUE: Marayong Community Centre, Corner Quakers and Railway Roads, (Minute from Marayong Station)

Contacts: 0433 460 837 (Newaz), 0422 447 554 (Bonny), 0402 360 177 (Mridu), 0423 355 034 (Mazher), 0425 376 999 (Foisol)

Be the part of AUSSIE NSUERS ASSOCIATION in facebookright now for detail or write !!!!

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