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Adda & Melody night ‘একটি ফুলকে বাঁচাবো বলে’

Adda & Melody night ‘একটি ফুলকে বাঁচাবো বলে’

Dear All,

It is with great pleasure to announce the Canberrabasi that we have managed to organise an ‘Adda & Melody night ‘একটি ফুলকে বাঁচাবো বলে’ with one of the most respectful & prominent singers of Bangladesh – Mr Apel Mahmud, in Canberra.

When: Saturday, 26 August 2017 from 6:45 pm to 10:00 pm

Where: Taylor Primary School, Marconi Crescent, Kambah, ACT 2902

Tickets: $30 per family with children (under 18), $15 per person, and $10 per student. Note that there is no reserved seating and seats will be allocated on a first come first serve basis at the program.

There will be a short break in the program during which dinner will be available. Dinner packet can be purchased for $10 each.

Please note that limited seats will be available. Please confirm your seats by 24 August by paying online, as there will be no cash or ticket counter available at the venue. Paid members will collect tickets from the gate.

BSB: 062913
ACCOUNT NO: 10511722

Please send an email at to reserve/secure your seats.

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 26 August.

Thank you.


Syed As-Sayeed
on behalf of the organiser

This event is supported by:

Dhrupad Australia, Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra (BAAC), Bangla Radio, Bangla School, and Seniors Club.

Sponsor: Md Fahim Islam, HARCOURTA BRINDABELLA – Real Estate Agent

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