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Language Walk 2015

Language Walk 2015

What: Free Language Walk (1.8 km) and Community Celebrations.

When: Saturday 21 February 2015, 10.30 am – 1.30 pm.

Where: Walk starts at the International Flags Display behind Questacon car park and end near Regatta Point.

Ms Yvette Berry, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and Minister for Multicultural Affairs will inaugurate the walk.

 Feel free to bring along posters and banners publicising various languages and/or to wear national dress.

 Free T-shirts for all participants!

 THEN enjoy FREE family fun activities near Regatta Point after the walk: Multicultural entertainment, Jumping castle, Face painting, Multilingual activities, Multicultural food for sale or bring a picnic.

 This event brings together people from different communities to raise awareness of the value of all languages, especially endangered languages, in a multilingual and multicultural context.

 For more details follow IMLM Canberra on facebook:; and for background information on International Mother Language Movement on web:

Contact: Ziaul Hoque, Convener, International Mother Language Movement (IMLM) Postal Address: GPO Box 2152, Canberra ACT 2601, Email:

All_about_IMLM_437450068.pdf ( B)  IMLM_Walk_flyer_Feb_2015_e__116079438.pdf ( B) 

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