Priyo Australia Awards and 5th Anniversary on 20 June 2009 in Canberra Press Release: 12 March 2009 (revised on 5 April 2009)
Celebrating 5th Anniversary
Dear All,
It’s our great pleasure to announce that PriyoAustralia website ( is going to celebrate its 5th Birthday on Saturday, 20 June 2009. It’ll be a day-long event for which your presence and participation are most cordially invited. One of the highlights of the program will be the award for ‘Priyo Bangali of the Year’ and ‘Priyo Writer of the Year’ awards. As a Bangali community based website, we believe that the community should nominate the winners for these two prestigious awards. We, therefore, request you to provide us with your nominations for the above mentioned awards in the following specification format: –
Please click at to read more in details.
Award – 1 : Priyo Bangali of the year
Your Nominee :
Reason for your nomination :
[Criteria for the award: The nominated person, i) should be someone living in Australia, ii) someone not recognized by the Country (Australia)/State/Territory as yet iii) who has significantly contributed for the community/portion of the community in any field iv) can’t be yourself]
Award – 2 : Priyo Writer of the year
Your Nominee :
The article you liked most & why :
Website :
[Criteria for the award: The nominated person, i) should be a regular writer of any Bangali community website in Australia (like etc) with a minimum of two articles/write-ups published in the website, ii) can’t be yourself]
Please do participate and nominate your best candidate for the above mentioned awards & email us at by May 30, 2009. From all the email addresses, we’ll pick one lucky winner who will receive a gift from our award winners.
Thank you all.
Priyo Team