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Canberra Islamic Centre's forthcoming Fundraising Dinner on 01 March 2008 at 6:30pm

Canberra Islamic Centre's forthcoming Fundraising Dinner on 01 March 2008 at 6:30pm

Assalaam Aleikum Brothers & Sisters in Islam

This is a further reminder of the Canberra Islamic Centre’s forthcoming Fundraising Dinner to be held at the CIC premises (221 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash on March 1st 2008 commencing at 6:30pm.

The dinner is to raise funds to complete the Courtyard as well as implementing security measures to better protect the building and its surrounding from ongoing acts of vandalism.

There are a total of 350 tickets available for this Dinner and now available from the Executive Committee and other prominent members of the community.

Ticket prices are as follows:
Adults (16yrs and above) $50 (per person)
Children (7 to 15 yrs) $25 (per child)
Family $200 (max per family)

You may also purchase them at the door on the night…. However, please advise one of the EC members (list below) of your intention to attend for catering purposes and as numbers are strictly limited.

Ahmad Youssef 6284 8389
Mazhar Ali Sahib 6298 3279 & 0404 815 806
Zahid Ali 6298 3368 & 0411 165 054
Ali Akbar 6292 1692 & 0434 148 471
Mohammad Javed 6292 5710 & 0432 352 413
Shamsul Huda 6292 8447 & 0434 674 176
Indri Wilkey 6231 8861 & 0419 241 055
Zuraida Shelmardine 0424 288 722
Ashrof Farouk 6299 9025 & 0413 756 058
Asmat Ullah Khan 6298 3932 & 0418 738 261

We look forward to seeing you at the Dinner.

The CIC Executive Committee

News contributed by Shamsul Huda

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