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'Banshori' The Bangla New Year 1415 – Boishaki Mela in Canberra

'Banshori' The Bangla New Year 1415 – Boishaki Mela in Canberra

The Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra’s biggest annual event The Bangla New-year festival – Boishaki Mela or ‘Banshori ‘2008 will be held on Saturday 26 April 2008. This year Boishaki Mela wil be held at the Auditorium of Canberra Islamic Centre, 221 Clive street, Monash (Cnr of Isabella Drive and Clive Street).

All members of the Bangladesh Community, their friend and family living in Canberra and or inneighbouring areas as well as members of wider Canberra community are invited toattend the great Bangladeshi festival and enjoy the rich Bangladeshi culture, its traditional foods and dresses. The day long program includes songs, cultural performances, drama, dance recitation and many more. There will be food stallselling traditional Bangladeshi foods, books, musical CD, DVD anddresses.

One of the senior Canberra resident, and senior member of the Bangladesh Australia Association Mr. Hasmat Ali will open festival/’Banshori 2008′ as chief guest at 11 am.

The highlight of theday long program are:

1. 11.00 am -Opening of the mella andshort speech by the chief guest
2. 1130.12.10 pm – ‘Gonosongit’ (group music) and various cultural performances(solo songs, recitation) by Canberra Musical group Spondon.
3. 12.00-12.15 Dance by little kids and Fashion show
4. 12.15- 1.30 pm Visiting stall and lunch Break
5. 1.30pm- . 3.00 pm – Special musical performance by Sydney Based renouncedcultural group "AmarKhontho’directed byrenounced music composer Mr.Atiqul.Helal (see the attachment for a brief introduction to the group).
6. 3.00- 4.00 Stall visit Afternoon Tea Break
7. 5.00- Introduction to the new Canberra Settlers – ‘Nobagtoder Shombordhona'(reception)
8. 5.30 pm Song and cultural performance by kids and local artists.
9. 7.00 pm closing of themell "Banshori 2008"

Nobgotoderboron:If you know any one who settled in Canberra during the last few years please send his/her names (contact detail) to Mohamad Masum( This will enablethe association to formally introduce them to the wider Canberra community as well as to prepare atoken gift pack from the association welcoming the new family.


News Posted by Iqbal Zahid

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