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Special Event from the Security Studies Program, FAS in Canberra

Special Event from the Security Studies Program, FAS in Canberra

Looking Through the National Security Lens:
The Liberation War of Bangladesh and Today’s Context

Guest Speaker: Major General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim, Bir Pratik

Venue: 4th floor Seminar Room E.44,
Faculty of Asian Studies, ANU, Baldessin Precinct Building (map attached)

Date and Time: 12 November, 2007; 4-5:30 pm

Bio: Major General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim, Bir Pratik, is a prominent security specialist and strategic analyst from Bangladesh. He is the former Founder Executive Director of the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies in Bangladesh as well as the Neighbors for Peace group working on regional harmony. General Ibrahim is also a regular commentator in the electronic media and columnist for newspapers and magazines.

Hosted by the Monash Asia Institute, Centre for Muslim Minorities and Islam Policy Studies (Monash University), Australian Research Council-Asia Pacific Futures Research Network and APFRN-Islam Node, he is in Australia to deliver the key note address at the “International Conference on Civil & Military Relationships: Implications for the Health, Mobility and Wellbeing of Civilian Populations in Asia-Pacific.”

Dr Bina D’Costa
Convenor, Security Studies,
Faculty of Asian Studies,
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University

Phone: 61-2-6125-3223
Fax: 61-2-6125-8326



Baldessin Precinct Building, On Campus Map, No.110,
Opposite to the Centre for Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Student Administration Building

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