Ekushe Academy Australia Inc

Press Release 13 January 2019
Ekushe Academy Australia Inc. welcomes the public to upcoming special events.
The annual ART COMPETITON for children will be held on Sunday, 27th of January 2019. The competition will begin at 3:30pm and will be held at the Belmore Community Centre (38-40 Redman Parade, Belmore, 2192).
All children are welcome to participate. Please contact Rima (0426299449).
- EKUSHE SEMINAR will be held on Sunday, 3rd of February 2019, 1-3pm at Belmore Community Centre (38-40 Redman Parade, Belmore, 2192). Topics will focus on achievements of the Ekushe Book Fair and how it has benefited the Sydney community. Aritree Barua will be the keynote speaker, representing the younger generation, who has grown up in Sydney and participated in the Ekushe Book Fair since its early days.
All are welcome to attend. Please contact Dr. Swapan Paul (0433019377) or Janmejoy Roy (0430461157) for any enquiries.
- RED CROSS BLOOD DONATION PROGRAM will be running from 7th January to 21st February 2019. Donation centres include Rosehill Donation Centre and Townhall Donation Centre. Community members are encouraged to contact us to organise a booking to give the gift of blood. One donation can help 3 patients in need of blood!!
Please contact Nehal (0402301293) or Monira (0435537954) for more information and bookings.
INC 9877078 ABN 85 801 514 085
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