Formal Motion Move on UNESCO’s IMLD at Australian Federal Parliament

Formal Motion Move on UNESCO’s IMLD at Australian Federal Parliament

This is another achievement of MLC Movement International Inc.

MLC Movement International proudly informs you that a motion on annual observance of International Mother Language Day (IMLD) has been accepted for debate in the Australian Federal Parliament.

We have been advised that the motion will be debated in the Federation Chamber after 4:45pm (probably about 5.30pm) on Monday 12 February.

MLC Movement believes this motion accelerates its strategy on global institutionalisation of ‘Ekushey Chetona’ for conserving all mother languages on the earth.

After the motion passed by the ACT Legislative Assembly, this debate is another history making event in Australia. The members of MLC Movement will witness this parliamentary debate.

As the debate will run after 5pm you will need to be signed in if you wish to attend. Please let me know if you are attending so I can pass your details to inform security.

You will also need to bring photographic ID for entry into the building.

Dr Ajoy Kar
Team Leader,
MLC Movement International Inc, Canberra ACT
Tel. 0422340462

*** Motion on IMLD accepted for debate***

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