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Pride of Austrlia Medal 2010 nomination

Pride of Austrlia Medal 2010 nomination

Hi all,

Just wanted to share with you that Bangladeshi Australian Mr. Tajuddin have been nominated as one of the top three finalists in The Sunday Times Pride of Australia Medal 2010 for the FAIR GO category. The FAIR GO category is for an Australian permanent resident or citizen, born overseas, who has enriched Australia through their honesty, hard work and willingness to embrace their new home. He was nominated based on the Oracle work awarded an international prize. Last year (2009). he have competed the worldwide Oracle Application Express application development competition organised by Oracle Inc. and he was the only winner from Australia . The winners list can be found at Oracle Application Express Competition 2009.

Sunday times and perth now organise the pride of Australia medal every year in each state. If you are interested to know more about pride of Australia visit –


Hena Bhuiyan

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