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Traffic Safety Improvement – Proposed Cost Effective Solution for a ‘Quick Start’ in Bangladesh

Traffic Safety Improvement – Proposed Cost Effective Solution for a ‘Quick Start’ in Bangladesh

Traffic Safety Improvement – Proposed Cost Effective Solution for a ‘Quick Start’ in Bangladesh

– Engr. Shoukot Osman, Australia


Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world having population over 140 million (BDT 14 crore). Every year more than 4000 people are killed in reported road crashes and many more from the unreported crashes, which is estimated as 10,000 – 12,000 every year. In addition to this, approximately 20,000 people survive these crashes and live with injury and disability.

Road related accident costs are much more than expected which is about US$ 615 million (BDT 4,000 crore) in one year for the reported crashes only. This amount is more than twice the total budget of Roads and Highways Department (RHD) and more than half of the cost of Jamuna Bridge. To improve safety on road, only Engineering solution will not return the expected result without Enforcement and Education. So, the total framework of these 3-Es is the solution in front of Bangladesh to address all accident related problems for the present and also for the future.

It is found from previous records that 60% of the crashes are human behavior related and 4% (12% as mentioned in other source) vehicles are responsible for accidents in which 60% are pedestrians and 90% of the crashes are on highways at or near metropolitan districts – just think about the area to address the issue for a quick start. The country is experiencing poverty, food shortage and other natural calamities and has funding constraints. Hence, small scale engineering solutions and initiatives for enforcements and education through different organisations will help to reduce the crash numbers and severity.

Each and every accident not only costs life with pain and sufferings, it also costs national wealth and economy. If we can reduce the margin by 25%, it will save BDT 1000 crore (more than US$ 150 million) in a year. I strongly believe that the measures proposed here to implement small scale engineering solutions including education and enforcement, will reduce the numbers and severity of accidents as well as unacceptable burden of premature deaths, pain and grief. (August 2012)

Road_Safety_Solution_for_Bangladesh_162792202.pdf ( B) 

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