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Poem ‘Let’s Self-Quarantine’ by Abu Sufian

Poem ‘Let’s Self-Quarantine’ by Abu Sufian

Let’s Self-Quarantine by Abu Sufian

Let’s flee from the madding crowd,
Let’s flee from the judgmental society—
Let’s run away to the quietness
Let’s run away to our private space.

Let’s elope from the suffocation we feel from far away,
Let’s elope from those stigmatize our love—
Let’s make a run for our very own survival,
Let’s make a run for our divine love.

Let’s skip the systematic office,
Let’s skip the strict school—
Let’s do a bunk for our insatiable union like snakes,
Let’s do a bunk for reading our minds without borders.

Let’s escape from the harsh reality
Let’s escape from the mortal life of suffering—
Let’s go discretely to fulfill our delightful dreams,
Let’s go discretely to Self-Quarantine—now and forever.

About the Poet:
Abu Sufian – who is also known as The Silent Poet – is a Bangladeshi poet and writer. His poems have been published in literary journals including Scarlet Leaf Review, Criterion, Literary Voyage, The Literary Herald, Tuck Magazine and Clairvoyance. Sufian also contributed in five international poetry anthologies: Voice of Monarch Butterflies (2016), Apple Fruits of an Old Oak (2016), Where Are You From? (2017), Dandelion in a Vase of Roses (2017) and Persian Sugar in English Tea, Vol. III (2018). He can be reached via his Facebook poetry page: The Silent Poet at

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bangladeshi english literature

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  1. Kohinoor
    Kohinoor 31 March, 2020, 16:42

    I read it earlier. It means to me an escape from harsh reality and finding solace being spiritually united with beloved.

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  2. Oishy
    Oishy 31 March, 2020, 16:42

    Beautifully written

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  3. Lucky
    Lucky 31 March, 2020, 16:45

    I read it earlier. It means to me an escape from harsh reality and finding solace being spiritually united with beloved.

    Reply this comment

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