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On departure of Pamela Bone by Dilruba Shahana

On departure of Pamela Bone by Dilruba Shahana

This is sad to know that Pamela Bone is no more there to write her column. She is the one while I disagreed angrily with her she still wrote personally to me to explain her views. Yes, I disagreed with her still I respect her. Some of her column are so much concerned about what’s going on around us is really excellent. Though some are sad to agree with. One of her column (in THE AGE opinion page) attracted me so much that I could not stop to translate it in Bangla, which was published in a website named and she became happy to learn about it. I feel happy as well. As some of my work make someone happy. Once she deleted one of my mail without reading and at that time she informed me that she is sick. She did not delete it on purpose. She asked me to resend it. After knowing that she is suffering from cancer I feel sad, very sad. It was nice to get reply from Pamela Bone. There will be no mail ever from Pamela. Pamela dear as I told you once, again telling today that you are in my prayer.

Dilruba Shahana

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