Bangladesh Politics: Asif Rules Pakistan. Tareque Rules Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Politics: Asif Rules Pakistan. Tareque Rules Bangladesh?

Any one who keeps update about global politics is aware that former Late Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s husband once alleged for multiple corruptions including murder charge has now become the President of Pakistan.

The people of Pakistan or Representatives of Pakistan’s general population has decided to elect him as their ruler for next years to come.

Bangladesh in the mean time is going through some theatrical dynamics in its political arena. The current Govt. came roaringly with anti corruption strategies and actioned his first 12 months but has now reversed its course to the original shape of Shrinked Balloon.

It is unique to see such mess in modern era in the world, the kind of legal activities happening in Bangladesh – unprecedented and unforeseen; History one day may discover the brain child behind all these.

During the last several months since the appearance of the Roaring 1/11 leaders one name was famous in Bangladesh. He is Tareque.

Tareque Zia- the son of Ex President late Ziaur Rahman and Ex Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia. He has also been released from detention after lots of Toggling-Goggling though the popular believe is that he is the mastermind of numerous corruptions and is also allegedly charged by the present Govt. for several money related issues. None has been proved yet.

The bottom line is that a significant active activist of Bangladesh population ( mainly politicians) wants him to become their chief leader and hence either President or Prime Minister of future Bangladesh and given the course of history it is probably just matter of time that he is going to be acquiring the above position.

Now anyone who dislikes him or his political ideology of course will be upset and frustrated but most probably will not be able to prevent that happening.
(Readers don’t misunderstand me; I am not advocating any support for him but rather narrating what might be happening to Bangladesh.)

Against all the odds against him Tarque is probably the most experienced and capable person to prevent future corruptions in Bangladesh using his experience and his popularity strength. Therefore just like Asif Ali Jardari he might be an option to rule Bangladesh for a period of time.

Bangladesh one day will have a Statesman in power as a ruler but only when its population is ready. When I said ready I mean they majority of population will outnumber 2- 10 % political activist and will not sitting and waiting for things to happen.

For the time you got to accept what you deserve.

God Bless Bangladesh.

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