The Methodology of the Salafus Saalih (the Rightly-Guided Predecessors) by Brother Abul Ehsan (2.20 hours Video)

The Methodology of the Salafus Saalih (the Rightly-Guided Predecessors) by Brother Abul Ehsan (2.20 hours Video)

The lecture “The Methodology of the Salafus Saalih”(the Pious or Rightly-Guided Predecessors) by Brother Abul Ehsan, reminds people that both the Holy Qur’aan and authentic ‘Ahadith’ of Prophet (pbuh) teach us, with the greatest level of clarity, that there is only one ‘Path’ that will lead people to salvation on the Day of Judgement- and this is the path which the Prophet (PUH) and his Companions took. All other differing paths will lead people to misguidance and to Hell Fire.

Brother Abul Ehsan, cautions people that the Prophet (PUH) has already foretold that a time would come when there will be widespread ‘fitnah’ and the Muslims will face deep divisions; a very large body of the Muslim Ummah would falter and slip away from the original teachings of the Qur’aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PUH). He (pbuh) also informed us that the Muslims will be divided into more sects than the Jews and the Christians; and all these sects will enter Hell Fire and only one sect will be saved from Fire–ie.that will be the ‘Firqatun-Naajiyah’. Even though the term ‘firqa’ was used, it is not, in fact, a splinter-group but indeed the main “Jamaa’ah” of the Muslim Ummah – those who continue to cling to the original teachings of the Qur’aan and the ‘Sunnah’ of Prophet (PUH) and his Companions

Relying heavily on the verses of the Holy Qur’aan and the authentic ‘Sunnah’, Brother Abul Ehsan, illustrates in extensive details as to who those ‘Rightly-Guided’ people are according to Allaah’s Book and the Prophetic (pbuh) sayings. He discussed their ‘Aqeedah’ (faith), their ‘Manhaj’ (methodology), their ‘Ibaadah’ (worship), their ‘Sulook’ (manners), their ‘Daa’wah’ (way of calling people to Allaah’s Guidance) so that people will have no difficulty in identifying these ‘Rightly-Guided’ people.

Through the lecture, Brother Abul Ehsan urges fellow humans to return to the original teachings of Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions which is based on pure and unadulterated ‘Tawheed’ of Allaah. That way they can really look forward to be counted amongst Allaah’s ‘Rightly-Guided Servants’ and attain the ‘good’ of both this life and the next. He explains with numerous examples of how people have corrupted their ‘Aqeedah’ and deviated enormously and are committing ‘Shirk’ despite Allaah’s teaching that ‘Tawheed’ is the greatest and most important pillar of the religion of Al-Islaam and that ‘Shirk’(associating partners with Him) is the reason for the destruction of the previous nations.

He explains that according to the Qur’aan not only the ‘Shahaadah’, Prayer, Fasting , Charity, Pilgrimage, Prostration, ‘Tawaaf’ are acts of worship and should be directed to Allaah alone but even acts like ‘Du’aa’ (Supplication), ‘Khawf’ (Fear), ‘Rajaa’ (Hope), ‘Raghbah’ (Longing) and ‘Rahbah’ (Dreading), ‘Khushoo’ (Submissiveness), ‘Khashiyah’ (Awe), ‘Isti’aanah’ (Seeking Assistance), ‘Istighaathah’ (Asking for Help), ‘Isti’aadhah’ (Seeking Refuge), ‘Inaabah’ (Repentance), ‘Tawakkul’ (Reliance), ‘Dhabh’ (Offering Sacrifices), ‘Nadhr’ (Making Oaths) are all ‘acts of worship’ and should be directed to Allaah alone. Whoever directs any part of these to other than Allaah, then he/she is a polytheist, a disbeliever.

Brother Abul Ehsan also brought to light the widespread misunderstandings that have been prevailing for generations amongst people regarding the concept of ‘Waseelah’ or ‘Tawassul’ (seeking nearness or means of approach to Allaah). Based on the teachings of the Qur’aan and authentic ‘Ahadith’, he clarified that a only a few types of ‘Tawassul’ have the sanctions of Qur’aan and Sunnah and the rest are unlawful. He points out that amongst the Islaamically-sanctioned forms of ‘Tawassul’ are the ‘Tawassul’ through Allaah’s Greatest Names; ‘Tawassul’ through Eemaan,Tawheed, Righteous Actions (including love of the Prophet (pbuh), love of parents; abandonment of sins, etc), ‘Tawassul’ through the Du’aa of Prophet(PUH) when he was alive and the Du’aa of a Living Pious Person.

Brother Abul Ehsan also stressed that the ‘Rightly-Guided’ people persistently and unwaveringly renounce all forms of ‘Bid’ah’ (Innovations) in Religion and also avoid the company of ‘People of Bid’ah’. They also steadfastly follow the principle of ‘Al-Wala Wal Bara’ – that is loving for Allah’s sake and hating for Allah’s sake. Indeed, it is obligatory upon a Believer to direct his love, hatred, allegiance and enmity all for Allaah’s sake. So once he does that, then he has truly grasped the handhold of Eemaan (faith).

Brother Abul Ehsan explained that the ‘Rightly-Guided’ people always refer to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PUH) whenever there is disagreement. They do not give precedence to the word of anyone over the Word of Allaah and His Messenger(pbuh). They do not have ‘Ta’assub’ (bigoted adherence) or ‘Taqleed’ (blind following) of anyone of the’Mujtahid Imaams’ even though they love them and accept their ‘Rulings’ as long as they are in agreement with the teachings of the Qur’aan and authentic ‘Sunnah’.

Brother Abul Ehsan drew attention to the prophetic statement that a group of the ‘Rightly-Guided’ people will exist in every generation (until the Day of Judgement)- who will remain established upon ‘the Truth’ and who will continue to be protected by Allah. In every age, they will continue to revive the Sunnah of Prophet (PUH) in their lives, their ‘Aqeedah’,’Ibaadah’,’Sulook’ and ‘Da’wah’ and, thereby, become strangers (‘Ghuraba’) amongst people.

Brother Abul Ehsan also points out that these ‘Rightly-Guided’ people are not a ‘Hizb’ (party) from amongst the various parties (‘Hizbiyeen’) rather they are the ‘Jamaa’ah’ – the group of ‘True Believers’ who are united upon the path on which Prophet (PUH) and his Companions were upon- seeking knowledge, and attaining understanding of the Book and the Sunnah – and proceeding upon the methodology (manhaj) of the ‘Salafus-Saalih’.

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