Canberra’s 350 action: Gambling with the Climate
Saturday 24 October was an international day of action highlighting the important number 350, which is the level of carbon dioxide that we need to fall below if we want a chance of a safe climate. Hundred of people gathered in front of parliament house lawn in Canberra to tell world leaders and community to keep it below 350 for safer world
Human societies evolved at a concentration of 280 (parts per million of carbon dioxide). We are currently at 387. Rudd’s climate stated policy is a dangerous 450, but his actual policies would lead to a suicidal 550-650 if adopted by other countries.
A play by comedian Rod Quantock Gambling with the Climate was staged at the gathering. Hundreds of thousands of Australians have this year called on our Federal politicians not to support the proposed carbon pollution CPRS legislation and to develop policies capable of addressing the danger of devastating global warming.
Greeting from Bangladesh Envirment Net Work ( BEN ), Australian Chapter to the participants who voice heard for the Austrlian people and also for world community .