A Message from Ltn Genaral Harun-ur–Rashid, Bir Protik on Ouderland Memorial Commitee Film Festival

Memebers of Ouderland memorial committee& member of Bangladesh-Australian Community in Australia Dear Friends, Thank you for the invitation to the film festival. I am feeling very excited about the event. I wish I could join you on the occasion. Any

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A Message from Mirza Shamsuzzaman, Former High Commissioner to Australia, Adviser Ouderland memorial committee

Ouderland Memorial Committee in Canberra Distinguished Guests,Excellencies,Ladies & Gentlemen,Assalamu Alaikum and Good afternoon, First of all please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the organisers of todays event, the Ouderland Memorial Committee in Canberra, for inviting

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Revised Press Release on Consular Camp in Melbourne

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra, 12 March 2008 Press Release There has been a change of venue for the consular camp in Melbourne on Sunday, 13 April 2008. The venue for the consular camp in Melbourne on Saturday, 12 April 2008

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A month-long Film Festival began yesterday in Canberra, a Ouderland memorial Commitee Press Release

A month-long Film Festival began yesterday on the occasion of celebrating Independence Day of Bangladesh in Canberra by Ouderland Memorial Committee.’Etihash Katha Koy’- a discussion meeting, film show, book and photo exhibition on Liberation movement ‘AMRA CHOLI OBIRAM’ was organized

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Ouderland Memorial Committee Presents: Film Festival : Aguaner Poroshmoni : 16 March 2008 in Canberra

Film Festival 2008, Canberra: Film Show 2 Name of FilmAguner Porosh Moni directed by Humayun Ahmed (Full feature film)Fire of Tears directed by Sentu Roy (Documentary) 16 March 2008, Sunday: Time 3 PMPlace 11 Grote Place, Kambah,Canberra Host- Dr Nilufar

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Indigenous freedom fighters ignored : Claims Chin Sangma

"We risked our life for the country’s liberation but instead of getting recognition, we are ill-treated as aboriginal tribes," said indigenous freedom fighter Chin Sangma of Madhupur in Tangail. The brave freedom fighter, who like many others of his community

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Press Release on Consular Camp in Melbourne

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra : 04 March 2008Press Release Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra will organize consular camps quarterly in Melbourne. The first consular camp will be organized on 12 and 13 April 2008 (Saturday and Sunday) at the following

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Bengali New Year Celebration at Federation Square, Melbourne, Sunday, 20 April 2008

The Bengali New Year (Bengali era 1415) will be celebrated in Melbourne this year by the Bengali community in Victoria. The event will be organised by the students of various universities in Victoria and Shurolok Music Appreciation and Performance Group

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The Torture of Tasneem Khalil : How the Bangladesh Military Abuses Its Power under the State of Emergency

This report presents the testimony of Tasneem Khalil, recounting his torture at the hands of Bangladesh’s military intelligence agency, the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI). To our knowledge, this is the most detailed public account of a case of

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একুশ আমাদের দেশ ও দেশের মানুষকে নিয়ে ভাবিয়ে তোলে : কামরুল আহসান খান

প্রতি বছর একুশ আমাদের দেশ ও দেশের মানুষকে নিয়ে ভাবিয়ে তোলে । নিজ আত্মপরিচয়ে সার্বিক স্বকীয়তাসহ আরো ভালোভাবে বেঁচে থাকার জন্য একুশ যে জাতিসত্ত্বাবোধ নিয়ে মাথা তুলে দাঁড়িয়েছিল, তা পরবর্তী সময়ে বহু বাধা ও প্রতিবন্ধকতার মুখোমুখি হয়েছে। কায়েমী স্বার্থ, সামপ্রদায়িক,

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