by Chowdhury Sadaruddin | March 18, 2011 12:03 am
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 04:49:12 -0700
Subject: Please help Arpita
Dear all,
As salamu alaikum!
I have heard about Arpita from Joy recently. Please have a look at his mail below for details about the two year old Arpita. I sincerely request all of you to consider donating to this family. I appreciate your kindness and help.
You can sent your donation to Joy’s bank account,
Joy Francis Mondol
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 06 5903
Account No: 1064 7072
Or if you wish to donate in cash, please contact any of the following people:
Joy Francis Mondol 0402 370 783
Mita 0402 699 688 or 89852060 (H)
Mozaffor 0413 637 595
Fauzia 0431 141 565
We will try to collect it from you.
In addition, I will collect cash donations on Sunday, 20 March 11 at Durack School during 4:00pm-5:30pm (during Bangla School time).
Finally, the heath condition of this little child is critical; therefore, donations need to be collected as quick as possible. Please pass this appeal to others as well. Thank you again for your time and kind support.
—– Forwarded Message —-
From: Joy Francis Mondol <[2]>
To: Mozaffor Hossain SARKER <[1]>
Sent: Tue, March 15, 2011 10:01:15 PM
Subject: Financial Appeal for Open Heart Surgery of 2 years old baby “Arpita”
Dear Bhiya,
Wish both of you are fine. I am writing this e-mail to you about the 2 years old baby ‘Arpita’ who is suffering from heart complicacy from her birth. The baby is the daughter of our classmate Mona of my village Bollovpur, Mujibnagar, Meherpur, Bangladesh. Arpita’s Mother called me and Appealed for the financial help for the Open Heart Surgery of her daughter. The details are as below:
The baby has two holes in her heart from her birth. The complicacy was detected few months after her birth and doctors advised for open heart surgery. Generally, this type of treatment is not successful in Bangladesh and possible successful treatment is provided by Indian Great Dr. Devi Sheti, Vellore, India. Arpita’s mother is a nurse and father is an NGO worker in Meherpur. Her parents took her twice in Calcutta and done all possible medical investigations. They have also visited Assistant Doctor to Dr. Devi Sheti in Calcutta and being advised to go to Vellore for the Final Heart Operation. The Final Heart Operation is going to cost likely around BDT 6 lacs, excluding the travelling and residence cost. Meantime they have spent lacs of Taka for doctors and Medical investigations in Dhaka and Calcutta. Recently, the baby’s health deteriorated followed by the pulmonary complicacy. As a result, the baby has to be undergone the Heart Operation without further delay. But the basic problem is the money. Her parents are trying to organized money. At this stage, the family is looking forward for financial assistance from Friends, Relatives and Generous people of society. If the money is not organized, the baby’s heart operation will not be done and the baby will not comeback to normal life.
Further, the baby’s pulmonary complicacy worsened and had to be hospitalized in Meherpur in last month. After 17 days of treatment in Meherpur Hospital, doctors advised for higher treatment. Day before yesterday means on 13th March the baby was transferred to Dhaka by an ambulance.
For last few weeks, I am leading a Fund Rising Campaign with my village friends. But I did not attempt in Darwin till date.
Under this situation, I feel to appeal to all of you for financial help on behalf of the family. If you have any capacity, please make a financial donation for the baby’s treatment since the total costing is around USD 10,000.00 which is a big burden for the family.
Please note Arpita’s Mother Mobile Number is +88 01721 562029. Now she is at Shere-Bangla Nagar Heart Foundation Hospital with Aprita. Anyone can communicate her for any details.
Furthermore, if anyone, is willing to donate, can directly sent the money to Arpita’s Mother “Rahel Minoti Mondol” by Western Union or Money Express etc.
Or can deposit in my bank account as follows:
Joy Francis Mondol
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 06 5903
Account No: 1064 7072
Then I will send to her all money together.
Looking forward for your cooperation.
Joy Francis Mondol
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