Letter from Nawabjan to…

by Dilruba Shahana | April 23, 2017 9:06 am

Oh dear you wrote my fate!
My life is nothing but wait,
Wait, wait and endless wait
‘Ye Nathi Hammari Quismat’
Not meeting you is my destiny!
I was eager to have your words
I have it, I spread it
But never I met
My master of words!
Countless admirer visited
My pleasure garden,
Flooded me with…
Touched me wherever they like.
For sure I they cannot touch my…
They cannot touch it.
You only touch it
Touch it with your words!
Want to know what it is?
It is my heart, my heart , my heart!
No regret my dear
My only happiness
The words I loved
The words of my Beloved!
To be remembered

*After reading the book “A biographical Scenario” By Gulzar

Dilruba Shahana


  1. [Image]: http://priyoaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/A-biographical-Scenario.jpg

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/literature/poems/2017/letter-from-nawabjan-to/