Rock up to the Rockdale Bangla Festival

by Priyo Australia | May 22, 2011 1:30 am

Event Program

12pm Documentary
Movie on Bangladesh’s history, people, places, cultures
Oikotan musical group
Performances (children choirs, local performers)

Official Program

3pm Welcome
Australian National Anthem ‘Advance Australia Fair’
National Anthem of Bangladesh ‘Amar Shonar Bangla’

3.15pm Speeches
Mayor of Rockdale City, Councillor Bill Saravinovski
The High Commissioner for Bangladesh,
His Excellency Lieutenant General Masud Uddin Chowdhury

3.30pm Launch of Library Collection in Bengali

3.40pm Stage performances
Folk dance – Shairmin Akter (Pavana)
Character show – Desperate Youth
Classical dance – Shairmin Akter (Pavana)
Musical show – Lal-Shobuj

5.45pm Thanks Giving

6pm Event concludes

Media Release: Friday, 13 May 2011

Rock up to the Rockdale Bangla Festival

Come and join the fun at the inaugural Rockdale Bangla Festival on Saturday 11 June from 12 noon to 4pm in the Rockdale Town Hall. Hosted by Council, the festival will
include cultural shows, fashion, craft stalls and more. Rockdale City Library will unveil an exclusive Bengali collection of books, CDs and DVDs.

Rockdale City is home to the third highest distribution of Bengali people in the Sydney Metropolitan area, so the festival is a great way to celebrate our diverse and multicultural community.

The festival is supported by the Australian Bengali Library and the St George Migrant Resource Centre. Entry is free and there are lucky door prizes.

If your group or organisation provides a service to the Bengali speaking community and you would like a free listing in the event’s official program, contact Munir Hosain on 0425 368 693 or email[1]

Event details:

Rockdale Bangla Festival
Saturday 11 June 2011, 12pm-4pm
Rockdale Town Hall, 448 Princes Highway Rockdale

Cultural Shows, Fashion, Crafts, Stalls… and more
Exclusive Bengali Collection Launch (Books, CDs, DVDs)
Free Entry & Lucky Door Prizes

For more information contact Council’s CALD Services Specialist on 9562 1824 or email[2]

For listing services in the event’s official programme contact Mr Munir Hosain on 0425 368 693 or email[1]

This event is supported by Australian Bengali Library Inc. St George Migrant Resource Centre

2011/pdf/Media_Release___Rockdale_Bangla_Festival_463428192.pdf[3] ( B)  2011/pdf/Poster_A3__Rockdale_Bangla_Festival__Final_492294213.pdf[4] ( B)  Rockdale_Bangla_Festival__Program__A5_flyer_631324124.pdf[5] ( B) 

  3. 2011/pdf/Media_Release___Rockdale_Bangla_Festival_463428192.pdf:
  4. 2011/pdf/Poster_A3__Rockdale_Bangla_Festival__Final_492294213.pdf: /
  5. Rockdale_Bangla_Festival__Program__A5_flyer_631324124.pdf: /

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