Entrepreneurship and innovation Among the Bangla speaking community; (initially for 16th August 2009)

by Priyo Australia | August 10, 2009 6:39 pm

About Bangla Academy Australia
Bangla Academy Australia is community based Sydney’s premier institution for the promotion of Bangla/Bengali language, literature, heritage and culture. Bangla Academy Australia runs projects with multidisciplinary research program with a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

About the Program
On the 16th of August, Bangla Academy will hold their first ever spring festival at Blacktown. Blacktown Spring Festival allows its members to harness knowledge in new ways to develop and provide high quality program. We would also like to promote entrepreneurship. This program is to develop strategic links within the university, students and parents, local and international partners. Ms. Rizwana Ali is kindly coordinating this project.

Closing date: August 12, 2009

• Are you an international student or just completed your course or living locally in Australia and waiting to engage with an organization where you can add value for your career path?
• Do you have an aptitude for professional development?
• Do you have a passion for Bangla/Bengali or speak, read and write fluently in Bangla/Bengali?
• Do you have excellent organizational and leadership skills?
• Are you enthusiastic and confident about any of the following disciplines or any other areas that you would be able to add value? The disciplines are Publication/Publicity, Auditorium Management, Sound and Light management, Photography, Camera work, Videography, Editing, Child supervision, Public Relations, Marketing, Ticket sales, Website development and management, Event coordination, Cleaning, Security.
• Do you care for the community engagement and support?

If you think you are positive with most of the questions and you can add value for Bangla Academy Australia, we are looking for you. Please send us your resume to email: bacpa@optus.com.au[1] or if you are not an email person simply write to Director, Bangla Academy Australia, PO Box 93, Epping NSW 1710, Australia, with some information about your interested area. We desperately need your help to make this event a success.

Innovative ideas for future development:
If you have any innovative ideas for future developments please send your proposals to bacpa@optus.com.au[1] . Proposals will be judged on relevance and originality. The best 3 ideas will receive a free stall each at the fair. In addition, we are looking for volunteers/and helpers with award and Certificate in the following areas; Publication/Publicity, Auditorium Management, Sound and Light management, Photography, Camera work, Videographer, Editing, Child
supervision, Public Relations, Marketing, Ticket sales, Website development and management, Event coordination, Cleaning, Security. Please contact: bacpa@optusnet.com.au[2],

If you think you like to sponsor/support the program please let us know by sending an email to bacpa@optusnet.com.au[2], or simply write to The Director, Bangla Academy Australia, PO Box 93, Epping NSW 1710, Australia,

Bangla Academy Austrlia
PO Box 93
Epping NSW 1710, Australia
Email: bacpa@optusnet.com.au[2]

  1. bacpa@optus.com.au: mailto:bacpa@optus.com.au
  2. bacpa@optusnet.com.au: mailto:bacpa@optusnet.com.au

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/events/sydney-event-list/2009/entrepreneurship-and-innovation-among-the-bangla-speaking-community-initially-for-16th-august-2009/