CIC Annual Dinner on 14 June 2014

by Priyo Australia | June 5, 2014 9:21 pm

Dear all Salam,

Wish you all are doing fine and in good health.

I am sure you are well aware of years of talking and discussions for a dedicated Mosque in the south Canberra. With blessings from Allah subhanatala CIC community is now truly engaged in the real constructing phase of the masjid project. With his blessings and your generous support all necessary, planning, regulatory requirement and necessary land preparation (storm water drainage, fire hydrant, sewerage etc) for the Masjid have now been completed. Pouring of Masjid floor (1,300 sqm) concrete has been completed on 22 May. This is a significant milestone for the CIC community. Thanks to Allah sobhanatallah for guiding all of us through the different complecated planning and preparatory stages including dealing and recovering from 2 deliberate acts of vandalisms to CIC facility/infrastructures.

Also work for construction of about 190 concreted permanent car-parking covering an area of 5,200sqm is started and expected to be completed by the end of May 2014.

Now we have truly started the real construction phase and your support/generosity therefore, is vital than ever before for completion of the masjid project. In order to fund the massive construction cost CIC is organising its Annual Fund Raising Dinner on Saturday 14 June 2014. This is a chance for you to be partner and contributor towards building Allah’s house on earth.

I sincerely invite you, your family and friends to come to the annual dinner and physically see the progress to CIC and transformation that we all, as a community have been able to make with blessings from Allah.For catering purposes please notify me if you are joining the dinner.

If however, you are not able to come to CIC for some other commitment you still can be partner and contributor to this novel cause simply by donating money electronically to CIC’ s masjid construction account below or handinf donation by contacting any of the EC member listed below.

Canberra Islamic Centre

Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 062914

Account No.: 10811482

ABN: 47 299 363 767

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