Adelaide Bangla school News – 2015

by Priyo Australia | January 29, 2015 2:22 am

Dear BASSA Members,

Adelaide Bangla School is the first Bangla language school in Adelaide that was established in 1996. School funded by Ethnic school board that is approved by South Australian government and the school is run and operated by BASSA. From the beginning to today, it is fulfilling the demand of Bangla language and cultural education within our community and day by day it has been improving its activities and curriculum excellently. Now it has a very good reputation not only in our community but also Ethnic school board and South Australian government too . To keep continue its reputation up, we are improving school operating system and activities by the demand of our community, it is an ongoing process and we will keep continue the progress.

Please note that Adelaide Bangla School is going to start its 2015 Academic activities from SUNDAY (01st February 2015) and the school’s opening hours during this term is from 4.00 PM – 7.30 PM.

All are welcome to Bangla School and we particularly request parents to make all efforts to bring their children regularly to Bangla School as well as we are requesting to all students , please come to beginning of the school to collect students stationary gift that is provided by school .

Academic schedule of Adelaide Bangla School – 2015 is ready, so all members can download schedule from our BASSA website and hard copy can be collected from Bangla School during the school hours. Thanks to all and hope see all of you at the Bangla School.

Thanks and regards –

Arshad Bhuiyan.

General Secretary BASSA.

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