BPC AGM Notice for publication

by Priyo Australia | August 7, 2014 5:48 am

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Press Release

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2014

The Executive Committee of Bangla Proshar Committee is pleased to inform all it’s members and the Bangla Speaking community that the Annual General Meeting of the Bangla Prosar Committee Inc will be held on Sunday, 24 August 2014 at the Grange Public School, 8 Benham Rd, MINTO NSW 2566.


09:30 AGM opening and re-confirmation of the Minutes of the past AGM

09:45 Financial Report – Treasurer

10:00 Executive Committee’s Report – General Secretary

10:15 President’s notes and hand over to the Election Commissioner

10:30 Election of the new Executive Committee for 2014 -16

11:00 Welcome Address by the newly elected President & General Secretary

11:15 Close

The Executive Committee cordially invites you all to attend the AGM and requests you to provide constructive suggestions and directions, and to elect a New Executive Committee for the 2014 – 2016 period, under the constitutional guidelines and norms.

Yours faithfully,


(Hasina Aktar Mini)

General Secretary

28 July 2014


Circulated by Dr Maksudul Bari, Public Relations Secretary

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/community-news/sydney-news/2014/bpc-agm-notice-for-publication/