Donation Appeal for Gungahlin Mosque

by Priyo Australia | February 12, 2015 5:23 am

Please donate generously

Bank Account Details: Bank: ANZ Acc. Name: Canberra Muslim Community Inc BSB: 012950 Acc. Number: 1095 47085

More Information: Dr Nazre Sobhan 0432 185 285 Yasser Dabhoiwala 0422 379 986 Monir Hossain 0401 843 323; E: PO BOX: 273, Gungahlin, ACT 2912 CMC’s ABN: 87 932 587 803;;[1]

Ground works, excavation and Slab Completion (Stage 1A and Stage 1B) Alhamdulillah, after a yearlong efforts since we started the process of selecting a builder and then starting of construction activities for the Gungahlin Mosque, slab for the main prayer hall got laid on Wednesday, 28 January 2015. Slab for the class room area got laid on Monday, 2 February 2015. So far we have spent around $700,000 in land purchase, design, excavation, hydraulics, concrete pour and management fees.

The community needs A$1.1 million to finish the project so that Muslims living in North Canberra can start offering their daily salaats with congregation in the Gungahlin Mosque.


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