Opportunity to contribute a little to our motherland

by Priyo Australia | July 9, 2010 4:46 am

Dear Respected Community Members,

By now, you all would be aware of our next endeavour- Annual fund raising dinner for charity to be held on 24 July, Saturday at CIC, Canberra. Like last few years, we will be donating extra fund (after all the costs for dinner) to a charitable organization and we would appreciate your presence en masse. However, this year there would be an totally voluntary (obligation free) option for extra donation/sponsorship (Tax deductable) as explained below.

Our nominated organization is “Aussi Bangla Smile” from Sydney, started by a doctor of Bangladeshi origin (Dr Hasan Sarwar). He and few Australian doctors/nurses go to Bangladesh every year for cleft lip/palate plastic surgery. They pay there own expenses, but it costs about $200 for each operations ( including return transportation for each child and parents from there village to the hospital, operation and care in a Bangladeshi Hospital, full cost of the operation including operating suite, anaesthetic, medications, supplies and equipments, all meals for the child and parent). The operations performed by the Aussi Bangla Smile Team means that the children can now go to the school, get jobs, marry and no longer social outcasts.

We would like you to at least come to the dinner- part of your dinner contribution will be going to this charity contribution anyway. But you may also consider sponsoring a child ($200) individually or as a group (few families or friends). Otherwise, any amount of donation is welcome. It’s the thought that counts most. We would like to emphasize again that this is a voluntary option. You can sponsor a child from your locality or your known ones. A sponsor can receive the followings if wishes- Information on your child’s profile, a before and after photo of your child, An Aussi Bangla Smile 2010 project report, A tax deductable receipt from Rotary RAWCS (only one receipt per sponsorship will be provided). Individual donations (other amounts) will receive separate tax deductable receipts. This is an opportunity to contribute a little to our motherland.

We would like to invite you again for this noble programme and appreciate your early RSVP/confirmation. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information. Thanking you for your co-operation.

Best regards,

Dr Moyazur Rahman (Maroof),
President, on behalf of EC, BAAC Inc.

Event details at https://priyoaustralia.com.au/canberra-event-list/69830.html[1]

  1. https://priyoaustralia.com.au/canberra-event-list/69830.html: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/canberra-event-list/69830.html

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/community-news/canberra-news/2010/opportunity-to-contribute-a-little-to-our-motherland/