Bangladeshi Scholar Received ANU Vice Chancellor’s Award 2010

by Ajoy Kar | December 15, 2010 3:18 am

Lecturer Dr Ahmed Imran and Professor Shirley Gregor of the Australian National University (ANU) have received ANU’s Vice Chancellor’s award 2010 for their contributions to e Government capacity building of Bangladesh.

Their on-going collaborative research on e-Government capacity building project is funded by the Australian Government’s Public Sector Linkages Program (PSLP) administered by AusAID. The project outlines a 5-year strategic pathway for e-Government adoption in Bangladesh, including the ICT training workshop for senior government and mid-level government officers. As part of this ongoing collaboration, a team from the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) has recently visited relevant organisations in Australia to take part in a demonstration of best practices on training and e-Government.

Dr Imran has donated all of the prize money for the award to two charity organisations – Dhaka’s Rotary Club for its commitment to disabled persons and Australia’s CO ID/Let’s Work for Bangladesh for their commitments to educational development for disadvantaged school children in Bangladesh.

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