A month-long Film Festival began yesterday in Canberra, a Ouderland memorial Commitee Press Release

by Priyo Australia | March 11, 2008 11:15 pm

A month-long Film Festival began yesterday on the occasion of celebrating Independence Day of Bangladesh in Canberra by Ouderland Memorial Committee.’Etihash Katha Koy’- a discussion meeting, film show, book and photo exhibition on Liberation movement ‘AMRA CHOLI OBIRAM’ was organized yesterday at Community Hall of Bangladesh High Commission at O’Malley. Similar programs will also be organized in other cities of Australia such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth etc.

The theme of the program ‘Etihash Katha Koy’ includes a discussion meeting, film show, book fair and photo exhibition on Liberation movement. Former Secretary to Government of Bangladesh Dr. K M Das, former senior Bangladeshi Diplomat Mr Badiuzzaman Khan, Counsellor of Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra Mr Mahbub Hassan Saleh, Web Master of Ouderland Website Mr Masih Babu, and Convenor of the Ouderland Memorial Committee and Editor of Ouderland Website Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan participated. The discussion preceded by the film show. The discussion meeting was conducted by Dr Kamal Uddin, Join convenor. of Ouderland Memorial Committee. The speakers paid their tribute and deep respect to the great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh, and to all the freedom fighters who fought, assisted, and psychologically and morally supported the war of liberation. They urged every one to come forward to build Bangladesh as one of the prosperous countries in the world. The speakers also highlighted the contribution of Mr Ouderland Bir Protik, a foreigner freedom fighter, for his significant contribution towards our liberation. The speakers also emphasized on the dissemination of correct information on the history of liberation war the glorious movements that led the nation to the struggle for independence through books, films, media and other cultural activities. Convener Mr. Kamrul Ahsan Khan requested the Bangladesh High Commission to modernize the Ouderland Library so that readers could feel interested to read and know more about Bangladesh history and culture. Dr Kamal in his speech paid tribute to Bangabandhu and other national leaders who contributed immensely to our national liberation movement.

A multi Media presentation on the role of Mr Ouderland B.P was presented by Mr Muhith Masih Babu. In his presentation he explained the Ouderland website and emphasized on his significant contribution towards our independence. He also mentioned the honour given to late Mr Ouderland by attending his funeral by the then Bangladesh High Commissioner Mirza Shamsuszamman. This imitative of honouring Mr Ouderland was highly appreciated by large number of Australians as well as by Bangladeshis living around the world.

Distinguished personalities, like federal MP Annette Ellis, former High Commissioners of Bangladesh to Australia Mirza shamsuzzaman and advisor Ouderland Memorial Committee, former Army Chief and Secretary of Sectors Commander Forum in Bangladesh Lt. Gen. Haroon ur Rashid sent greetings and well wishes to the community and the Ouderland Memorial Committee for the success of the program.

Book exhibitions on liberation movement were also organized during the function. A good number of books on the history of Liberation movement were displayed.

A good collection of pictures on Libation movement ‘AMRA CHOLI ABIRAM’ was also displayed during the program was highly appreciated by the audience. This picture exhibition was also held earlier in Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra. Ouderland Memorial Committee is also planning to have similar sort of photo exhibitions & Film show in other cities of Australia.

In the second part of the program a documentary ‘Stop Genocide’ was screened followed by the full featured film ‘Jiban Theke Neya’- directed by famous film director and writer late Zahir Raihan. This film and the documentary were made based on pre-liberation struggle and the Bangladesh liberation war.

The next film show will be held on 16 March, 2008 Sunday at 11 Grote Place, Kambah, and southern part of Canberra. Full feature film ‘Aguner Porosh Moni’ by Humayun Ahmed and a documentary ‘Tear of Fires’ by Sentu Roy will be shown on that day.

Proudly supported by media partner PriyoAustralia.com.au.

Muhith Masih
Web master, Ouderland memorial Website (http://www.banglaweb.com/ouderland/[1])
On behalf of Ouderland memorial Commitee





Photo Courtesy Dr kamal &* Master Abrar Saleh

  1. http://www.banglaweb.com/ouderland/: http://www.banglaweb.com/ouderland/

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/community-news/canberra-news/2008/a-month-long-film-festival-began-yesterday-in-canberra-a-ouderland-memorial-commitee-press-release/