Plea for help!

by Priyo Australia | August 3, 2014 8:01 am

A brother in Melbourne who does not have permanent residency has been diagnosed with cancer and been told he has between 6-9 months. He is married with four kids. Due to not having permanent residency he is unable to access treatment without paying for it. We are all Muslims and when someone in our own city needs help we really need to step up. He needs $21,000 just to do one round of chemo and help with other costs as he is in hospital unable to work and receives no government benefits. A person’s life should not be cut short due to lack of money for treatment. That would be a shame and even more of a shame for us as a community if anyone went through that near us.

Please donate today and do not think any amount is too small. That $1 could be the thing that saves you from the hellfire.

I urge you to share this so as many people can donate as possible inshallah.

The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wassalam said: Whoever meets the needs of his brother, Allah will meet his needs, and whoever relieves a Muslim of some distress, Allah will relieve him of some of the distress of the Day of Resurrection. [Bukhari]

Most importantly, make dua for him and his recovery.

May Allah SWT cure this brother fully and relieve him of all hardships.

Bank: ANZ

Name: Pembe Ata

BSB: 013-443

Account: 5553-91885

Description: brothercancer

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