by Priyo Australia | December 23, 2012 4:15 pm
Dear friend,
Christmas is the time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the birth of a Child who came into the world with only a stable’s roof to shelter Him; yet He grew to teach a lesson of love that continues to enrich our lives 2,000 years later. We now know him as the king of peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers”, He said.
Christmas reminds us that the values we share should far outweigh whatever differences there are among people. The twinkle of a child’s eye, the joy of a grandmother’s laughter, the love in the hearts of mothers and fathers for their children, the joy we find in true companionships and trusted relationships — all these blessings should be unwrapped on Christmas morning and then lived throughout the year.
Christmas is also the time of peace and hope, of sharing and giving, of family and friends. And as we approach the feast of light, I’d like also to send a special greeting to all who have been inspiring me over the years; the selfless friends, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love is at the heart of Christmas. It is the love of family and friends that inspires every gift and greeting we receive. It is love that moves us to reject the prejudices that divide us. It is love that calls us to ease the suffering of those touched by poverty, illness, injustice, or oppression.
The Bible teaches us God created us all equal. Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves. The Koran says we must do unto all men as you wish to have done to you and reject for others what you would reject for yourself. The Talmud instructs us, should anyone turn aside the right of the stranger, it is as though he were to turn aside the right of the most high God. The Vedas teach us “We all are created in the image of the same God; as many rivers flow to the same sea, many faiths lead to the same God”.
As we gather around our Christmas trees and dinner tables, let us take the time to give thanks for the blessings of the year just passed, to rejoice in our children and to enjoy the company of family and friends.
Let us never underestimate the ‘Power of one’ – that is the power in each of us to bring peace and enjoyment to this world.
Merry Christmas. May God bless us all.
Raj Datta[1]
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