BEN held seminar in Canberra and Sydney

by Priyo Australia | October 9, 2012 4:44 am

Oct 2012, Canberra

BEN Update

The Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) Australian Chapter has been making small but significant contributions to the cause of environmental protection of Bangladesh. This has been possible with the active participation and contributions from the interested Bangladeshi and non-Bangladeshi environmental protection volunteers. Some of its recent activities are briefly outlined below:

BEN seminar in Canberra makes specific recommendations for Bangladesh

Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) Australia Chapter has observed the World Environment Day (5 June) in 2012. To observe the Day, a seminar was held in Canberra and a community forum in Sydney. On the occasion, a special issue of publication, Buriganga’ was released, which can be found in BEN’s communication partner[1].

The seminar was held on,’ Securing safe water, health, food and climate outcomes for Bangladesh and beyond’ on the 16th of June 2012 at the Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra. Distinguished environmental scientists, politicians, green activists, climate action groups and pro-environment groups have participated in this seminar.

The seminar was chaired by Mr Borhan Ahmed and initiated by an welcome speech by BEN Australia Chapter ‘s Convenor Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan. The Chief Guest His Excellency the High Commissioner of Bangladesh Lt Gen Masud Uddin Chowdhury has provided a brief list of the on-the-ground actions and programs that the Government of Bangladesh has been undertaking to mitigate effects of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the people and land of Bangladesh. He has emphasised on the need for the international community coming forward with technological, financial and humanitarian support for Bangladesh to overcome its environmental problems.

In his Key Note speech, Mr Walter Jehne, a renowned environmental Scientist, has emphasised on the importance of undertaking simple, affordable and effective adaptation programs. He has also emphasised on real actions on the ground. Among the other guests Hon Shane Rattenbury, MLA and Speaker for the ACT Government, has emphasised on the support and assistance that his government as well as various green groups could provide. Among others AusAid’s South Asia program manager Ms Fiona Lord, Mr Clayton McDonald from Climate Action Group and Dr Ajoy Kar from BEN have given valuable talks.

PhD scholar Mr Ifti Rashid has emphasised on the political and security implications of climate change.

After the group discussions the participants have made recommendations at the plenary session. Among the recommendations included the formation of an action group to consider real adaptation issues and follow-up various measures that should be undertaken. Other recommendations include making use of the vast rain water through local technologies; undertaking regional, basin approach for water security in the region; ensuring safer water for drinking and household uses; growing food by using sustainable techniques; introduction of affordable transportation system that are environment friendly; providing logistical and infra-structure support to face climatic disasters; and the international community considering ‘climate refugees’ as the new wave of human displacements emanating from climate-induced disasters; etc.

The seminar was conducted by BEN’s Sydney Branch Coordinator Dr Swapan Paul and the Group discussions were facilitated by Dr Ahmed Imran. On behalf of BEN Dr Asif Rahim gave vote of thanks.

BEN community forum in Sydney voices Climate Action for Bangladesh

Following the seminar in Canberra BEN Australian Chapter has observed the World Environment Day (5 June) on the 23rd of June 2012 at the Macquarie Fields Community Hall in Sydney. Distinguished members of the community, environmental scientists, politicians, green activists, climate action groups and pro-environment groups have participated in this seminar. And, this community forum was mainly aimed at hearing from the visiting Secretary General of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) Dr Abdul Matin, based in Bangladesh.

The forum was chaired by Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan and conducted by Dr Swapan Paul. It was initiated by an overview speech by BEN Australia Chapter ‘s member Dr Nilufar Jahan. His Excellency the High Commissioner of Bangladesh Lt Gen Masud Uddin Chowdhury could not personally attend the forum but has sent a written message, which was read out by Dr Debashish Mazumder. This had a brief list of the on-the-ground actions and programs that the Government of Bangladesh has been undertaking to mitigate effects of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on the people and the land of Bangladesh.

In his speech, the Chief Guest Hon Laurie Ferguson MP, Federal Member for Werriwa (Sydney), a popular political figure among the Bangladeshis in Sydney, has emphasised on the importance of undertaking simple, affordable and effective adaptation programs. He has also emphasised on real actions on the ground. He assured the crowd of raising the environmental concerns of Bangladesh with Australian Federal Government and extending helping hand, where possible.

Among the other guests Ms Anne O’Brien, Climate Action Group in Australia; Ms Holly from United Voice; Mr Nazrul Islam, senior member of the community; Mr Shamimul Haque, President of Bangabandhu Council; Mr Abdul Jalil, a member of the community and Mr Badrul Alam, Editor of Sydney-based newspaper Desh-Bidesh spoke. They emphasised on, ‘be informed, be involved’ in Climate Change and Sea Level Rise mitigation actions.

Various partner organisations from mainstream Australian community have joined the BEN initiatives. In his brief notes the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) NSW Chair for Climate Change and Mitigation Programs Dr David Martin has highlighted the need for local actions to link with global actions.

The main attraction of the event was the personal illustrations of the on-ground improvement programs that have been undertaken by BAPA. Its Secretary General Dr Abdul Matin spoke at length and informed the audiences the very many programs and projects that it has been running. He talked about the importance of the Government of Bangladesh taking the right initiatives for protecting her environment. He has emphasised on building community awareness and unity on local issues.

The unified voice of the forum was for the developed world to come forward and assist in taking mitigation measures before it is too late. It would be unwanted if thousands of ‘climate refugees’ take boats to reach Australian shorelines.

Thanks were given to the media and others who have helped in organising the forum, including Mr Iqbal for arranging the venue and A1 Printers for sponsorship.

Australian Government Assures Assistance

The visiting BAPA Secretary General Dr Abdul Matin has urged the Australian Government to do its best in undertaking initiatives for taking mitigation measures against the possible impacts of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise on Bangladesh. On 6 June 2012 a delegation met Australian Government’s Climate Advisor Dr Justin Lee at the Environment ministry in Canberra and Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan and DR Walter Jane from Climate Action & healthy Soil Australia. Dr Matin and Kamrul Khan was pleased with the genuine commitments expressed at the meeting and following up the commitments at subsequent initiatives.

Donations for Bangladesh

BEN has handed over a cheque of Taka 1,15,000.00 to the visiting Secretary General of BAPA DR Abdul Matin at the community forum on 23 June 2012. The donation will help meeting some of the costs for implementing environmental awareness, improvement and protection measures in Bangladesh. BEN collects donations from volunteers and donates the full amount without any local expenses to BAPA. If you are willing to make donations, even it’s a small amount, please contact BEN Australian Chapter.

Please feel free to join BEN Australian Chapter and make your contributions towards the protection of the environment of Bangladesh. Your small contribution can make huge impacts!

If you have any suggestions and you’d like to know more about BEN please contact:

Kamrual Ahsan Khan –[2]

Dr Swapan Paul –[3]


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