Australian Forum for Minorities in Bangladesh Inc. Organised Blood Donation Program 2009

by Priyo Australia | April 7, 2009 11:33 pm

Every year Forum organises Blood Donation Program to observe the Australia Day. This year Forum dedicated this event to the Victorian bushfire victims. On 7 March 2009, a large number of volunteers came forward to donate blood for the noble cause.

Hon Julie Owens MP – Federal Member for Parramatta, Mr Anthony Issa -Lord Mayor of Parramatta City Council, Mr Anthony Khouri- Hon. Consul General of Bangladesh High Commission and Mr. Susai Benjamin JP – Convenor, Australian Multicultural Forum, were honourable guests to this event. All the honourable guests spoke on this occasion. The speakers highlighted the importance of this program and Forum’s commitment towards national development. In his speech Mr Khouri, referring to a previous blood donation program for the Tsunami victims, stated that the former Attorney General Hon. Philip Ruddock highly praised Forum’s determination and commitment to community welfare at a Sydney community program.

Hon. Julie Owens praised Forum for its commitment to make a difference to the society and she mentioned two years ago she donated blood with Forum volunteers for the first time in her life. Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr. Tony Issa appreciated and thanked Forum members for inviting him to this wonderful event and called all to come forward for similar charity works.

The volunteers who donated blood were awarded with certificates of appreciation. Hon Julie Owens and Lord Mayor handed over the certificates of appreciation to the volunteers.

Like every year the donors assembled at the blood collection centre in the morning and the donation continued until 3:00 pm. Among many volunteers Parramatta Councillor Chiang Lim also donated blood on that day. The blood donation program was followed by a picnic lunch at the Parramatta Park. Cr. Prabir Maitra, Coordinator of the event conducted the program and Dr Samir Sarkar President of the Forum presided over the program.

Event photos at[1]


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